I was casually cruising YouTube as usual and came across “Gras P & Rodeotto” (ぐらP&ろで夫) by GRANRODEO uploaded on Lantis Channel. Checking back, these gag animations go back 10 months ago, with the first video being uploaded November 4. They even have a website for this on www.grap-rodeo.net. I believe these are voice acted by the band members. They cover some really random topics, from idols to learning chords and encountering police men, these are truly really random videos.

You may recognize the name GRANRODEO from the opening and ending songs from popular basketball anime, Kuroko no Basuke.

Unfortunately I’ve not been able to find any translated videos, but you can watch the first episode here. It’s fairly easy to follow.

ぐらP&ろで夫 第1話「てはじめのP」【GRANRODEO】

You may notice these characters in some of their trailers. “WOW! Who are these guys? They are GRAN– GRA–GRADORERO…! NO IT’S NOT. IT’S NOT.”

GRANRODEO / 6th Album「カルマとラビリンス」- CM ぐらP&ろで夫 ver.

What a great way to be spending your life on the powerful internet.

More info:
Official website

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