I’m excited to announce that Chanty will be releasing their newest single on December 2. There has been no details on their official website yet of what will be included on said single, but I’m sure it’s going to be impressive!

Chanty is a band that debuted a little over two years ago, however has gained the hearts of many. With vocalist Akuta (ex-Administrator) at the helm, they are taking the scene by storm with their warm-hearted melodies, compositions, and the beautiful voice of Akuta. So I’m already hyped to hear what’s next from this band.

This may come as a bit of a shock to some, since they have yet to release their fifth single, which can be read about in more detail in our previous coverage, but are already announcing their sixth. I’m excited for them, so more power to them. Please keep your eyes peeled for more info on their sixth single as it becomes available. Until then rock on!

Are you guys excited for Chanty’s sixth single? Please let us know in the comments below!

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Akuta (芥))
Twitter (shia.)
Twitter (Chitose (千歳))
Twitter (Taku (野中拓))
Twitter (Naruto (成人))
Blog (Akuta (芥))
Blog (Chitose (千歳))
Blog (Taku (野中拓))

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