By now most of you are familiar with one of the biggest and growing anime event “Anime Festival Asia” (AFA), that takes place in not only Singapore but also in Malaysia, Indonesia and soon to be accompanied by Thailand! Its mission is to become “a platform to connect the Japanese entertainment industry with the audience in South East Asia (SEA)” , which it conveniently does and has been doing an exceptional work to do accomplish this! Not only is this event convenient for the anime consumers of SEA but as well for international fans, since the targeted areas are English speaking countries.
Moreover, AFA may now even be a life-changing event for some with the “Asia Anisong-singer Audition” contest that took place during AFA 2014 Singapore, a competition to find new talented potentials who are seeking to break out in the Japanese music industry as an anisong singer. Surprisingly, one of the judges was actually the CEO of Sony Music Record, Manabu Tsujino! I can’t even imagine what kind of pressure went into the participants during such high stake opportunity.
Watch the Asia Anisong-singer Audition and more in MTV81’s video coverage of AFA 2014 Singapore:
Spreading the Ani-love at Anime Festival Asia Singapore 2014 – Segment 1 (video)
Spreading the Ani-love at Anime Festival Asia Singapore 2014 – Segment 2 (video)
More info:
Anime Festival Asia