Dynamic shock rockers XaaXaa announced a new mini-album Gogatsubyou and dropped a brand new music video to promote it. Gogatsubyou hits shelves on May 5, but you can watch the full music video for the title track now.

The first impression that hits us is the band’s new promotion group photo. It’s ambiguous and doesn’t give you many clues as to what we can expect, that is until you notice the caution tape at the bottom! The tape reads “Caution. The world of XaaXaa is addictive. Please do not exceed the recommended dose.”. So what in the world are we actually in for?

XaaXaa Gogatsubyou Promo

XaaXaa’s promotional photo for “Gogatsubyou”. The yellow caution tape can be seen at the bottom.

After all, XaaXaa is a music chameleon, changing up musical styles and showcasing them in albums that span genres. However, we’re not prepared for the sucker punch that was the lyrics.

The song’s title Gogatsubyou translates to “May Blues”, a phenomenon experienced by college freshmen or workplace recruits shortly after starting school or work.


In the music video, the anguish is palpable. Yet the rhythm is so catchy and danceable, it almost feels wrong listening to it as vocalist Kazuki mutters, “It’s such a bother”, “I feel sluggish”, “I don’t want to do anything”. But Reiya’s pulsing bass pulls you in with the foot-tapping rhythm, and you find yourself nodding along, zombie-like. The warning was correct; it is addictive.

With flashy, high contrast visuals showing people slumped over, in various states of listlessness, we’re somewhat reluctantly dragged into the XaaXaa’s world where we’re forced to stare at the ugliest parts of ourselves. The lyrics even confront themes as complex as body image issues, such as only wanting to eat junk food, then feeling despair at gaining weight, ultimately not wanting to be seen. “I’m ugly”, Kazuki screams, “Ugly, ugly, ugly”!

The band has never pulled punches in its content, and this one hits close to home too.

The video was also our first glimpse at XaaXaa’s new look: a series of matching hooded parkas emblazoned with the single’s name. Each member stands out with their own unique touches.

As for the mini-album, which fittingly drops on May 5, it will contain a total of five tracks (we’re sensing a theme here). There will be two types available, Type A and Type B. Type A includes a DVD with two new music videos, including the newly released Gogatsubyou.

The band will also be doing a series of promotional in-store events around Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. So if you find yourself in the area, you could have a chance to meet the band in person!

We never know what to expect with XaaXaa, and that’s the way we like it. The only thing we’re sure of is that the band will continue to evolve- and probably press at all of our emotional bruises.

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  1. Gogatsubyou
  2. Samidare
  3. Gomaru gogoushitsu
  4. Urusai kisestu ni boku wa yamu
  5. Satsukiyami
  1. Gogatsubyou
  2. Satsukiyami
  3. Scenes from recording
  1. Gogatsubyou
  2. Samidare
  3. Gosenfu
  4. Urusai kisetsu ni boku wa yamu
  5. Satsukiyami