POLKADOT STINGRAY will release its third album Nanimono on December 16 and has revealed a trailer for it. This shows the band members walking onto the set and assuming positions for a fun and cheerful performance of each song.
Here the band either plays or dances while the black power ranger switches in and out items associated with each song, such as the TV from the music video for FREE.
This is also the first time we hear the jazzy FICTION, funky SHAKE! SHAKE (Shizuku Kariuta ver.), dance number Stop Motion, poppy Sayonara Yellow, and chill Nanimono and POSE (Nanimono ver.).
In addition, the band teased the DVD included in the limited edition of the album, which features its 10/15 Kaisai ‘POLKADOT STINGRAY Polka Fest 48 #Kyouso Bakutan Online’ Nanimono Edition performance and the Bakutan Zenryoku Off Shot.
It’s here we see them performing songs such as Electric Public, an acoustic version of Toge Meku Spica, Telecaster Stripes, and Yoake no Orange, amongst many others. The trailer really allows you to get up close and personal with the band members as they perform and hang out with each other, making it all the more precious.
POLKADOT STINGRAY has always found creative ways to showcase the songs on its releases whether that’s through short performances, meetings, or animations, to name a few. The interactivity makes the trailer more exciting, but on the flip side we want the album to come out already! In the meantime, check the long line of trailers they did for previous releases to see the correlation between them.
- Toge Meku Spicaトゲめくスピカ
- Bake no Kawaバケノカワ
- SHAKE! SHAKE! (Shizuku Kariuta ver.)SHAKE! SHAKE!(雫カリウタ ver.)
- Aun阿吽
- Megami女神
- Stop Motionストップ・モーション
- Sayonara Yellowさよならイエロー
- Keshin化身
- Nanimono何者
- POSE (Nanimono ver.) (Distribution only bonus track)POSE (何者 ver.) (配信のみボーナストラック)
- Toge Meku Spicaトゲめくスピカ
- Bake no Kawaバケノカワ
- SHAKE! SHAKE! (Shizuku Kariuta ver.)SHAKE! SHAKE!(雫カリウタ ver.)
- Aun阿吽
- Megami女神
- Stop Motionストップ・モーション
- Sayonara Yellowさよならイエロー
- Keshin化身
- Nanimono何者
- POSE (Nanimono ver.) (Distribution only bonus song)POSE (何者 ver.) (配信のみボーナストラック)
- 10/15 Kaisai 'POLKADOT STINGRAY Polka Fest 48 #Kyouso Bakutan Online' Nanimono Edition10/15開催 「ポルカドットスティングレイ ポルフェス48 #教祖爆誕 オンライン」何者エディション
- Bakutan Zenryoku Off Shot (Around 90 minutes / Song order not yet determined)爆誕全力オフショット (約90 分収録予定/曲順未定)