Since playing their first show on June 6, 2010, in Kichijoji, hard rock and metal band Vorchaos have worked tirelessly, racking up countless live performances alongside the likes of NoGoD and DIMLIM, among others.

With their recently released first double-A side single, Mystery Night Tour, now under their belts and their fourth full-length studio album in the works, the band will also be broadcasting their first-ever livestream this month.

This year, the band celebrates its 10th anniversary, and we had the opportunity to speak with Vorchaos about their music and goals for the future.

“We think that a wide range of musical styles—not just metal—is necessary to properly express ourselves.”

Please tell us about the concept of Vorchaos!

Vorchaos: We were born in order to express the vortex of human emotion and the dual nature of various phenomena, beginning with motion and motionlessness.

You’ve had the same lineup for eight years now and you all seem to get along well! Is there a reason for that?

Vorchaos: By holding each other in high regard.

Your musical style spans from thrash metal to ballads, and even to acoustic renditions of your songs. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Vorchaos: We think that a wide range of musical styles—not just metal—is necessary to properly express ourselves. For us, songwriting starts with guitarist kaz creating the barebones of a song, and the rest of the members adding meat to it, then we go through a similar process during arrangement.

We ensure to bring out every member’s strengths and signature sounds, which doesn’t fade during acoustic renditions either. I think if you asked each member individually, they’d give the same response.

Regarding our first album, we simply made songs with the sound that we wanted to put out, and put our all into making that happen. If you listen to the music and the lyrics, it gets across what we want to say in a really straight manner and we’re really proud of that.

Following our first release, the number of performances and tours we were able to do increased little by little, then we released our second and third albums. We really hold dear the fact that the band and audience can have fun together at shows. The intensity of that passion and those emotions is almost impossible to put into words.

【 Vorchaos 】LET IT DIE~おまえに届くまで~【 MV 】

Guitarist Kaz

How did you get into metal? Have you always been interested in heavy music or is it a more recent addition?

Vorchaos: The situation for each member is quite different, but when it comes to our music, guitarist yuzo’s riffs have a really strong “metal” element that makes itself known.

Guitarist yuzo

How do you feel the music you write has changed since you started activities 10 years ago?

Vorchaos: In our second year, when bassist Fuji and drummer Ushi joined, we basically only had five songs. Back then, we spent ages in the studio doing neverending arrangements of the same songs in different patterns.

Ever since the creation of our first album, the way that we make new songs hasn’t changed a great deal—we’ll record a track, play it at a show and get a feel for it, then refine it from there. The majority of ideas are recorded by us individually at home, and then we bring a few ideas with us to the studio and play those together.

Bassist Fuji

Drummer Ushi

Previously, you’ve played shows with visual kei bands, and Ushi, you used to play in one. Your current stage wear is simple yet cool, but have you ever considered adopting a style like visual kei that has a strong visual impact?

Vorchaos: We’ve probably all had different thoughts on the matter at some point but, until now, none of us have had a particularly strong opinion on wearing fancy costumes and probably won’t think about it in the future. We think. [Laughs]

You became self-managed at the start of 2019. What made you decide to take the leap, and has it had any kind of impact on your activities as a band? What are some positive and negative points of being independent?

Vorchaos: As for the trigger, no comment. One of the biggest reasons we decided to become independent is that our administrative workload, such as communicating with venues, for example, increased. Actually, it’s great motivation when you can actually feel that things are moving and progressing.

One of the positives is that we have a lot more freedom, but that’s also a double-edged sword. If we don’t do it ourselves, it isn’t going to get done. It’s honestly thanks to the people that have helped us out that we’re able to be where we are now.

“We’ve been able to unleash a part of Vorchaos that’s never been seen before”

With your fourth album in the works, what are your feelings towards it? How do you feel about it in comparison to your previous works?

Vorchaos: We have reached a world made of our experience built on countless concerts and improved our way to express ourselves in response to our fans. We’ve been able to unleash a part of Vorchaos that’s never been seen before, and we’ve packed that inside.

You’ve played overseas previously, in Korea and Taiwan. Where else would you like to play?

Vorchaos: If we’re talking about South East Asia, we have a lot of interest in playing in countries where—from our point of view—rock and metal haven’t really taken off yet.

For those who haven’t been able to attend yet, what can people expect from your live performances?

Vorchaos: Our dynamic really allows you to feel the power and emotion of vocalist Jun’s performance. And all five of us put our heart and soul into singing background vocals—it’s something we take a lot of pride in.

Vocalist Jun

You have accomplished a lot over the last 10 years, what are your goals, or what do you want to achieve from here on out?

Vorchaos: Looking at the current state of the world, it’s really difficult to say for certain about anything from here onwards, but we would like to continue as we have done until now, doing the things that only we are capable of.

What are some of your favorite moments from throughout your career?

Vorchaos: I suppose for us, the general reaction from the audience when we enter the stage, or those situations where it feels like it’s the start of something amazing and it’s just a whirlpool of emotions where everything becomes one. That moment just before we perform. Those kinds of things.

Vorchaos at Daikanyama Space Odd, February 9, 2020.

And finally, please leave a message to our readers!

Jun: It’s time for the world to become one.

Protect yourself, protect others, and do what you can. The only thing I can really do is sing, so I’ll put my everything into it. I’ll pour my soul into singing and screaming in order to convey this passion and the strength to live.

Whether it’s one person or many people, I hope it reaches you.

Kaz: Thanks for reading our interview!

Once the current situation has calmed down, I’m really looking forward to one day being able to perform in all the different countries you live in.

Stay metal!

yuzo: It’s all thanks to the fans and people that have cheered for us that we’ve been able to reach our 10th anniversary.

It’s taken the support of so many smiling faces in order to get this far. I’m truly grateful. Thank you so much!

And congratulations to all our fans too! I’m honestly really happy! Let’s continue to deepen these bonds from here on.

Strengthen our unity! We are Vorchaos!

Fuji: To the readers of JROCK NEWS, thank you for taking the time to read this interview.

Right now, the world is in the midst of a terrible pandemic but I hope that we, as Vorchaos, can bring you a little ray of sunshine during these dark times. Thank you for your support!

Masashi “USHI” Ushijima:

What’s up guys! Thanks for taking an interest in Vorchaos!

I’m so glad we can share the universal language that is music together.

Right now, we aren’t able to travel the world and perform live but with the power of the internet, we’re able to perform live and stream it, which is incredible! (Thanks internet!)

Stay safer and healthier!

We hope you enjoyed reading this interview, and continue to look forward to future releases and activity from Vorchaos.

We’d like to thank the band for taking the time to speak with us, and wish them a successful 10th year and beyond!

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  1. Mystery Night Tour
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