DEVILOOF shared a generous preview of the double-sided single Devil’s Calling/Angel’s Cry, showcasing two contrasting sounds just as the track names imply.

The devil side “Devil’s Calling” manifests a grindcore style and is perhaps one of the band’s most brutal songs to date. On the other end, the angelic side “Angel’s Cry”, provides a fitting power metal sound with guitarist Ray’s impressive vocals. This genre is a less explored area for the band so it was quite surprising to see them take this route. But of course, we’ve already seen Ray partly pick up the microphone for songs like Dusky-Vision, but in this case, he is the main vocalist and conquers the entire song with his melancholic tunes.

The preview can be heard via DEVILOOF’s tweet, but just watch out so you don’t fall down when they play vocalist Keisuke’s deep growls in Devil’s Calling—it’s really deep:

Sadly, with Devil’s Calling/Angel’s Cry being a limited mail-order-only single, it has been having a bit of trouble being released due to COVID-19. There were never any plans on releasing it digitally either, so we will simply need to be a tad more patient until it arrives.

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  1. Devil’s Calling
  2. Angel’s Cry
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