With NoGod’s 2020 tour abruptly brought to an end due to COVID-19, singer Dancho put his downtime to good use to put together an acoustic mini-album. For this release, the lead man strips away his signature clown image and reveals his intimate thoughts in his solo debut, aptly titled Bonjin Kashuu. Or Anthology of an ordinary person, for all the English-only speakers.

The mini-album comes with six songs, arranged with the help of his bandsmen with guitarist Shinno featured on all tracks and drummer K on four. Firstly, you should know that Bonjin Kashuu available only through NoGod’s official webshop. Therefore getting a copy could be difficult. Secondly, if you do try to snag a copy, you’ll need to be work quickly, as order placement ends after June 21.

Unfortunately, no previews are available, but recent comments on the subject matter from the writer himself give us insight into the songs. And based on them, it features a collection of songs that are equally relatable as they are debatable.

With Bonjin Aika, Dancho uses sarcasm to sing about the pathetic lives of ordinary people, while including himself as an ordinary person, making it one of the weightier songs on the album. Outotsu follows with a decidedly positive message delivered by evocative lyrics. Think of it as a poem about how opposites attract and find harmony in the inharmonious.

Dancho wrote Tsuzuku to ii ne some five years ago. At that time and now, even, he noticed diehard supporters of NoGod seemingly lost passion for the band. However, he states he doesn’t want them to deny what they loved in the past and hide it like a thing to be ashamed of. Even if people stopped listening to bands they used to like, for example, because they don’t like visual kei anymore, they still liked it in the past, so he decided to write a song about it.

Kibou no Asa‘s theme is similar to Outotsu and talks about the feelings and the different sense of values between two lovers but in a negative light with a sprinkling of hope. Joudanjanai was also written five years and adds more bleakness with bitter lyrics rife with parodies and cynicism. Dancho is clear with the message of this song, he says, ”no matter the situation, it can’t be helped, you have no choice but to live” adding, ”it perfectly suits the current situation with coronavirus.”

The final track, good night, shares the same idea illustrated in Kibou no Asa. However, good night finishes with positive lyrics, making it a more hopeful song.

As previously mentioned, getting a copy of Bonjin Kashuu could prove quite difficult. But if you manage to obtain it, we’d love for you to share your thoughts on it with us!

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  1. Bonjin Aika
  2. Outotsu
  3. Tsuzuku to ii ne
  4. Kibou no Asa
  5. Joudanjanai
  6. good night