B.P.RECORDS, the record label in which artists such as Kiryu, Royz, Codomo Dragon, Zero [Hz], and BabyKingdom reside under, announced and subsequently made their online streaming worldwide release of the record label’s music on June 19. There were no exact details on what artists and albums would be released so it was a very pleasant discovery to find most of the artists’ releases, new and old, were available.

A large focus for these releases is on Codomo Dragon’s and Royz’s discography, but we also see the most recent additions to B.P.RECORDS’ artist line-up, Zero [Hz] and BabyKingdom, make a streaming debut.

Check out Royz’s latest single IGNITE on Spotify:

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The streaming platforms which the releases are available on include: iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, Spotify, and KK BOX. A plentiful list of streaming services which you’re sure to already be using.

What do you think of B.P.RECORDS move towards modern ways of distributing music? Has it or will it change how you consume their artists’ music?

More info:
Official Website

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