Japan is one of the countries that love to bring unique flavors to snacks, and today, we have a look at Japan Crate’s monthly subscription box “Premium Japan Crate” (May 2019) to see what it is is all about! In case you get a bit drooly after watching the video, we’re happy to inform you that they provide worldwide shipping, free of charge.

Before we jump in, we want to disclose that the box was sent to us by the company, however, they explicitly instructed us to give our full honest review. Now let’s get right into it!

Unique Japanese snacks in a box! - Japan Crate unboxing review

Past crates

Here are some of the Japan Crate’s previous snack boxes, you can head over to their site to see more past crates.

Update: Japan Crate just launched a brand new website Sugoi Mart, it’s your one-stop-shop for all things Japan from snacks to toys, they have it all! Check out their website for exclusive Japanese goodies!

More info:
Japan Crate

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