FIXER is treating us to a new single next month! On October 17NIGRUM (ニグルム) will hit the stores with a rather heavy package different from their previous releases. The single comes in only one edition, but that doesn’t end there. The first CD comes with two tracks, while the second disc comes with a DVD of a live performance collecting 22 songs! The music video for the title track NIGRUM (ニグルム) does not come with the single, but it is available to view on the band’s Youtube channel, where you can have a listen to as you watch the clip:


The music video for NIGRUM (ニグルム) has us looking at a toned-down side to FIXER’s music. Black and white overlays with a bit of sepia and blue pigments suit the mid-tempo pace of the song where we can listen to vocalist Jey singing just as well as he growls. The band still manages to throw in something spooky, as in some scenes you can see Jey’s body open up to reveal cyborg-like insides.

Below are new photos of the band and its members dressed specifically for this release.

Group photo of FIXER for “NIGRUM” (ニグルム) single

What are your thoughts on FIXER’s upcoming single? Let us know in the comments below!

NIGRUM (ニグルム)

Regular edition


  1. NIGRUM (ニグルム)
  2. Magia (マギア)


  1. Asterisk (アスタリスク)
  3. ARGENTUM (アルゲントゥム)
  4. Drop
  5. FPD
  6. Libido
  7. ignited
  8. believe
  9. Utsusemi (空蝉)
  10. MaercS
  11. Lobelia (ロベリア)
  12. Hakujitsu (白日)
  13. Kanjo no Hate, Hiai no Sosei (感情の果て、悲哀の双生)
  14. Linaria (リナリア)
  15. Azalea (アザレア)
  16. Kodou (孤働)
  17. TEMPtation
  18. sublime dystopia
  19. Invade
  20. envy kitty dance
  21. paradox
  22. shadow

Buy at HMV or Amazon

More Info:
Official Website
Official LINE Blog
YouTube (Starwave Records)
Twitter (Staff)
Twitter (Jey)
Twitter (Aika)
Twitter (Yuhma (優真))
Twitter (70)
Blog (Jey)

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