The release for the live-action adaptation of BLEACH is drawing closer! In one of the latest movie trailer released, we are able to witness one of the fighting scenes where MIYAVI—who is playing the character Byakuya Kuchiki—effortlessly beats up the orange-haired main character, Ichigo, in a duel.

Prior to the two new trailers, MIYAVI appeared very briefly in the second batch of the trailers. Now with this being the third batch, we’re finally able to get a better look at MIYAVI in action, not only that, we are also able to get a much better grasp of the quality of the movie.

From our perspective, there is a lot of potential in this movie seeing that most characters are very well portrayed in comparison to their manga counterpart, as well as how Ichigo’s character is properly captured through Sota Fukushi acting—at least from what we’ve seen so far. The movie is also not as much heavily dependant on computer graphics in comparison to the infamous live-action adaptation of Attack on Titan, so on that front, we’ll hopefully have fewer things to complain about. One could also argue that the movie is already a success by the sole fact that MIYAVI is in it, right?

Will it be a hit or miss? Find out when the movie hits Japanese cinemas on July 20!

BLEACH 100-second, action-focused trailer (MIYAVI vs Ichigo scene):


BLEACH 60-second, story-focused trailer:


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