Electronic pop rock band URBANGARDE is celebrating their 10th anniversary by releasing album Shoujo Fiction (少女フィクション) worldwide on April 4. The album features popular hits such as Akumade AkumaFemme Fata Fantasy, and new song Atashi Fiction which you can listen to in their quirky music video here:

アーバンギャルド - あたしフィクション URBANGARDE - ATASHI FICTION

Although their special 10th-anniversary Kekkon Shiki concert on April 8 is sold out already, fans who will be in Japan this month should check out the special fashion exhibition, Girl’s Scrinium, which puts on display the variety of stage and video costumes worn by vocalist Yoko Hamasaki. The exhibition is on from April 6–30 (closed on Tuesday and Wednesday) at parabolica-bis (パラボリカ・ビス) in Tokyo, entry is 500 yen.

We’ve put together some of the best photos for you to check out:

Shoujo Fiction

Regular edition


  1. Atashi Fiction
  2. Akumade Akuma
  3. Femme Fata Fantasy
  4. Tokyo Kid
  5. Video no Youni
  6. Otona byou
  7. Internet Sou
  8. Tetsukuzu Tetsuo
  9. Kiss ni Tsuite
  10. Shoujo ni Shiyagare
  11. Daihakai Koukyougaku

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Deluxe Edition


  1. Atashi Fiction
  2. Akumade Akuma
  3. Femme Fata Fantasy
  4. Tokyo Kid
  5. Video no Youni
  6. Otona byou
  7. Internet Sou
  8. Tetsukuzu Tetsuo
  9. Kiss ni Tsuite
  10. Shoujo ni Shiyagare
  11. Daihakai Koukyougaku


  1. Atashi Fiction (PROPAGANDA VIDEO)
  2. Akumade Akuma (PROPAGANDA VIDEO)
  3. Femme Fata Fantasy (PROPAGANDA VIDEO)
  4. Daihakai Koukyougaku (MEMORIAL VIDEO)


  • 24-page booklet

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More info:
Official Website

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