Pale faces, black makeup, and tight-fitting leather outfits were all the rage for visual kei musicians back in the 90’s. One band is bringing that style back, and they are La’veil MizeriA, with their first music video titled Jubaku gou.

Formed in 2012, La’veil MizeriA stands out amongst modern visual kei bands with their old-school appearance. The trio released their first mini-album, Jyakumetsu Kyoen (寂滅饗筵), in June earlier this year. For those of you who have not bought the CDs, Starwave Records recently uploaded the full music video for the song, Jubaku Gou (呪縛郷) on their YouTube channel for you to get a taste of it.

From the vocals to the visuals of the clip, La’veil MizeriA capture the elements reminiscent of numerous visual kei videos from the past. You can take a look below.

La'veil MizeriA [呪縛郷] MV FULL

Do this song and video treat your needs for something nostalgic? Or were you looking for something new to listen to beforehand? If so, La’veil MizeriA have a vast discography of songs, so feel free to give those a listen as well!

Jyakumetsu Kyoen (寂滅饗筵)

Edition A


  1. Shien (死宴)
  2. Jyakumetsu Kyoen (寂滅饗筵)
  3. siva
  4. Houmatsu (泡沫)
  5. Necrosphere (ネクロスフィア)


  1. Ruin Mizerius

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

Edition B


  1. Shien (死宴)
  2. Jyakumetsu Kyoen (寂滅饗筵)
  3. siva
  4. Houmatsu (泡沫)
  5. Necrosphere (ネクロスフィア)


  1. Jubaku gou (呪縛郷) Music Video

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

More info:
Official Website
Youtube (La’veil MizeriA)
Youtube (Starwave Records)
Twitter (Staff)
Twitter (Kikyo (祈狂))
Twitter (Jaki (邪鬼))
Twitter (Milia (ミリア))
Blog (Jaki (邪鬼))

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