Rounding off the fifth phase of DaizyStripper’s 10th anniversary project, decade, is vocalist Yugiri’s (夕霧) mini-album of covers songs, DREAM LOVERS. The mini-album is composed mostly of tender songs performed by artists such as, X-JAPAN, Imai Miki (今井美樹), SID, Oda Kazumasa (小田和正) and more. The frontman’s affectionate side will be on full display for this two-edition CD, which hit shelves throughout Japan today, on November 2. Unfortunately no previews are available, but the full tracklist and the dream-like cover art for each edition has been posted below.

DREAM LOVERS_add_curevsp_2_ol

Flyer of Yugiri’s solo mini-album, “DREAM LOVERS”



Edition A


  1. PRIDE – Imai Miki (今井美樹)
  2. Kazoku (家族) – Heisei 6 NHK singing contest Junior Division title song (平成6年度NHK合唱コンクール中学生の部課題曲)
  3. Airutekaerou (歩いて帰ろう) – Saitou Kazuyoshi (斉藤和義)
  4. Love Story (AKA Totsuzen/Suddenly) (ラブ・ストーリーは突然に) Oda Kazumasa (小田和正)
  5. Sen no Kaze ni natte (千の風になって) – Akikawa Masashi (秋川雅史)
  6. Sora no Binsen, Sora he no Tegami (空の便箋、空への手紙) – SID (シド)
  7. Forever Love – X-JAPAN

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon


Edition B


  1. PRIDE – Imai Miki (今井美樹)
  2. Kazoku (家族) – Heisei 6 NHK singing contest Junior Division title song (平成6年度NHK合唱コンクール中学生の部課題曲)
  3. Airutekaerou (歩いて帰ろう) – Saitou Kazuyoshi (斉藤和義)
  4. Love Story (AKA Totsuzen/Suddenly) (ラブ・ストーリーは突然に) Oda Kazumasa (小田和正)
  5. Sen no Kaze ni natte (千の風になって) – Akikawa Masashi (秋川雅史)
  6. Sora no Binsen, Sora he no Tegami (空の便箋、空への手紙) – SID (シド)
  7. Hanashitakuhanai (離したくはない) – T-BOLAN

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

To see what the other members got up to for the decade project, look back to our previous articles.

More Info:
Official Website
10th Anniversary Page
Twitter (Yugiri (夕霧))
Twitter (Mayu (まゆ))
Twitter (Nao (なお))
Twitter (REI)
Twitter (Kazami (風弥))

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