Chanty announced their first mini-album Fukanzen na Ongaku (不完全な音楽) after a period of eight months without musical material! It is set to be released on September 14.

There will be two editions available, both with a different tracklist. Limited editions will include a DVD with three songs taken from their live at Tokyo FM hall celebrated on April 29.

However the guys of Chanty were definitely not wasting their time since the release of their last single, as they had lots of live performances and even a concert in the U.S! The band posted the following picture and message to thank the fans who attended the Tokyo in Tulsa convention:

chanty tokyo tulsa

“Thank you for an amazing time at Tokyo in Tulsa! We’ll definitely come back to the US.”

And here are Chanty’s new artist photos:

Vocalist Akuta (芥)

Vocalist Akuta (芥)

Guitarist shia.

Guitarist shia.

Guitarist Chitose (千歳)

Guitarist Chitose (千歳)

Bassist Taku (野中拓)

Bassist Taku (野中拓)

Drummer Naruto (成人)

Drummer Naruto (成人)

Fukanzen na Ongaku (不完全な音楽)


Regular edition 2200 yen – 2376 yen


  1. Netamashii (ねたましい)
  2. Konya Mimei (今夜未明)
  3. Mugen Loop (無限ループ)
  4. Genkin, Shoudoku, Bansoukou (減菌、消毒、絆創膏。)
  5. Sekai ni Misuterarete mo Kitto Oto wa Nari Yamanai (世界に見捨てられてもきっと音は鳴り止まない)

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon


Limited edition 2500 – 2700 yen


  1. 3.0.17
  2. Genkin, Shoudoku, Bansoukou (減菌、消毒、絆創膏。)
  3. Konya Mimei (今夜未明)
  4. Netamashii (ねたましい)
  5. Sekai ni Misuterarete mo Kitto Oto wa Nari Yamanai (世界に見捨てられてもきっと音は鳴り止まない)


  1. Yannachau (やんなっちゃう)
  2. Anata Dake wo Kowashite Kazatte Mitai (貴方だけを壊して飾ってみたい)
  3. m.o.b.

Buy at CDJapanHMV or Amazon

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Akuta (芥))
Twitter (shia.)
Twitter (Chitose (千歳))
Twitter (Taku (野中拓))
Twitter (Naruto (成人))
Blog (Akuta (芥))
Blog (Chitose (千歳))
Blog (Taku (野中拓))

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