
Rides In ReVellion finally set July 28 as the new date for the release of their new single, Seirios! A preview was also released of the two songs included in the single and a music clip of the title-track.


The band had to postpone the release date due to health issues that forced them to prolong the recording of the single, initially scheduled to be out in May. The new release date coincides with the band’s first anniversary one-man live at which they will release a live-limited single titled Another….

“Another…” Rides In ReVellion 1st Anniversary 1st ONEMAN LIVE
Osaka Muse, July 28
Open/start: 18:30/19:00
Price (in advance/at the door) 3,000 yen/3,500 yen

Purchase your tickets at e-plus.

Check out the preview of their upcoming single, Seirios, below:

Rides In ReVellion 3rd Single 『Seirios』 試聴Trailer

In other news, the band recently appeared on the various artists album Yougenkyou (妖幻鏡) -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator performing their song RAIN.

Rides In ReVellion 『RAIN』 収録! 「妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator」全曲試聴!

Finally, here are their new artist photos:

rides in revellion seirios

Rides In ReVellion’s new look!

rides in revellion seirios kuro

Vocalist Kuro (黎)

rides in revellion seirios taji

Guitarist TaJi

rides in revellion seirios nagisa

Bassist Nagisa (渚)

rides in revellion seirios ame

Drummer Ame (飴)



Regular edition 1111 – 1200 yen


  1. Seirios
  2. Amnesia (アムネシア)

Buy at CDJapan, V STAR PROMOTIONHMV or Amazon

More info:
Official Website
Twitter (English)
Twitter (Japanese)
Twitter (Kuro)
Twitter (TaJI)
Twitter (Nagisa)
Twitter (Ame)
Blog (Kuro)
Blog (TaJI)
Blog (Ame)

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