SuG’s latest video Sakura Ame (桜雨) follows an incredibly well-dressed couple and their romance. The short film-like music video featuring Shinozaki Kokoro (篠崎こころ) and Kitamura Ryo (北村諒) has been very tastefully shot, choosing excellent locations to complement their style.

A warning before watching that there are mildly NSFW scenes and also suggestions of domestic violence. This is an interesting way to bring awareness to mental and physical violence in relationships, the end has left us with a bit of a bitter taste not knowing what will happen next. The lyrics of the song talks about letting go of poisonous people and relationships, encouraging listeners in a similar situation to take action. We recommend watching this video, not just for the story, but also from the perspective that it is very well made and really shows the attention to detail.

Sakura Ame is available on VIRGIN which came out on March 9 earlier this month.


Takeru with the good-looking acting couple from the video.

Takeru with the good-looking acting couple from the video.

Check out some of the stills from the video and see their outfits.

Smoking on the stairs.

Smoking on the stairs.

Casually posing in front of graffiti.

Casually posing in front of graffiti.

Hang out in the streets.

Hanging out in the streets.

Swaggering down the streets in the early morning.

Swaggering down the streets in the early morning.



Regular edition 1852 – 2000 yen


  1. teenAge dream
  2. SICK’S
  3. Sakura Ame (桜雨)
  4. Jun.Fujunisekouyou (純・不純異性交遊)
  5. Mugen Styles (無限Styles)
  6. In the shadow
  7. Smells Like Virgin Spirit

Buy at CDJapan or Amazon



Limited edition A 3000 – 3950 yen


  1. teenAge dream
  2. SICK’S
  3. Sakura Ame (桜雨)
  4. Jun.Fujunisekouyou (純・不純異性交遊)
  5. Mugen Styles (無限Styles)
  6. In the shadow
  7. Smells Like Virgin Spirit


  1. Documentary of SuG Europe Tour 2015
  2. Documentary of VersuS 2015

Buy at CDJapan or Amazon



Limited edition B 2632 – 3000 yen


  1. teenAge dream
  2. SICK’S
  3. Sakura Ame (桜雨)
  4. Jun.Fujunisekouyou (純・不純異性交遊)
  5. Mugen Styles (無限Styles)
  6. In the shadow
  7. Smells Like Virgin Spirit


  1. teenAge dream music video
  2. SICK’S music video
  3. Sakuraame music video
  4. Smells Like Virgin Spirit music video
  5. Sakuraame music video making of

Buy at CDJapan or Amazon

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