Niten-Ichiryu (二天一龍 ) is a visual band with elements of traditional Japanese style in both sound and fashion and also loud rock and rap. They started in 2011 by guitarist Renas and Sherry. Now in 2015, they reveal that a new support bassist has joined their ranks. What is surprising is that Airu Unohana, is only 17 years old!
Their current set consists of four members, vocalist Sherry, guitarist Renas, support drummer Ebisu-maru and their newest member—support bassist Airu.
They have just released their first music video together titled Ee-ja-Naika (ええじゃないか). This video features fashion brand gouk working in collaboration with KINCS co, ltd. With the visual and kimono elements, this brand compliments the band very well. Take a look at their music video to see gouk’s latest collection worn by Renas and Sherry.
Did you know “ee-ja-naika” is a mysterious and historical dancing festivals which happened during the Edo-period in Japan. People put strange costumes on, danced all around towns, singing nonsense and chanting “ee-ja-naika” (It’s alright), which inspired the name and production of this song.
What do you think of Niten-Ichiryu? Let’s cheer on their latest young bassist!
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Renas)
Twitter (Sherry)