With Christmas only a few weeks away now, Chanty want to get you excited about such an occasion and so, they release their sixth single, Yasashii Koe (ヤサシイコエ), on December 2 in two editions. Regular edition will come with an extra track meanwhile the limited edition will have a different second track and contain a DVD with the “Yasashii Koe” music video.
Sticking to the theme, their attire is simple but elegant, consisting of mainly white, going back to their signature colour, alongside grey. They’ve also released the music video for the song and its quite entertaining, it definitely put a smile on my face and I feel that it captures the warmer side of winter. Be sure to check it out!
What kind of emotions does the music video conjure up for you?
More info:
Official Website
Twitter (Akuta (芥))
Twitter (shia.)
Twitter (Chitose (千歳))
Twitter (Taku (野中拓))
Twitter (Naruto (成人))
Blog (Akuta (芥))
Blog (Chitose (千歳))
Blog (Taku (野中拓))