RADWIMPS are currently making an overseas appearances in Asia and in Europe this month and will shortly be arrive in France, Germany, and UK for the European leg of their world tour. The band will be performing two concerts in Asia and four concerts in total in Europe.
This alternative rock and post-punk band are most famous for their singles Order Made (2008) and Dada (2011), and their album Radwimps 4: Okazu no Gohan. If you have not yet had a chance to hear their work, I suggest listening to Kimi to hitsuji to ao, Gogatsu no hae and to throw in a wildcard—their recent and experimental release JikkyoChuukei.
Septmeber 10 (Fri) AX-KOREA, Seoul, Korea
October 13 (Tue) Le Trabendo, Paris, France
October 15 (Thu) Stollwerck, Cologne, Germany
October 17 (Sat) C-Club, Berlin, Germany
October 19 (Mon) Islington Academy, London, UK
October 23 (Fri) ATT SHOW BOX, Taipei, Taiwan
Tickets are available via Songkick
Take a look at their performance of Ao to mememe and September-san from their live DVD.
More info:
Official website