Today, Matenrou Opera fans were treated to a striking new look from the band. The front page image shows each member in enchanting poses and covered in metallic body makeup. Their previous looks have always showcased a unique style, but this time the visual impact is obviously stronger. However, the individual photos are more like what we’re use to seeing by them.

In addition to their new look, details for their ninth single have been released. it’s titled BURNING SOUL, its element is Fire and it will draw their element themed releases to a close on October 21. Also, commemorative events are scheduled for the single. In October an in-store event will take place in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. And, in December Matenrou Opera will kickoff a mini tour across Japan. Not much information has been provided, but they’ll be visiting these five cities for the tour, Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka.

And here’s the band dressed up in clothes from 9.Acryl closet.

Vocalist Sono (苑)

Vocalist Sono (苑)

Guitarist Anzi

Guitarist Anzi

Keyboardist Ayame (彩雨)

Keyboardist Ayame (彩雨)

Bassist Yo (燿)

Bassist Yo (燿)

Drummer Yu (悠)

Drummer Yu (悠)



 1111 yen


  3. Absinthe (アブサン)

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Matenrou Opera: “BURNING SOULInstore Event 

Date: October 23, 2015 (Fri)
Time: 20:00
Location: Tower Records, Shinjuku 7F
Autograph and handshake session

Date: October 24, 2015 (Sat)
Location: *venue will be announced at a later date
Autograph and handshake session

Date: October 25, 2015 (Sun)
Time: 15:00
Location: Tower Records, Umeda NU Chayamachi shop
Autograph and handshake session

For more details visit the band’s artist page at Kingrecords

More info:
Official Website
Facebook (Ayame (彩雨))
Twitter (Sono (苑))
Twitter (Ayame (彩雨))
Twitter  (Yo (燿))
Twitter (Yu (悠))

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