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amber gris released their second mini-album, Across the blow, on December 17! The videos above are for the music video “from mouth“, the fourth track on the CD, and the second video is a digest of the album.

Across the blow

01. different of stain
02. Circus ga Tsureteyuku
03. Fuzoroi no Cutlery (不揃いのカトラリー)
04. from mouth
05. The sad
06. alone≠PurchaseCDJapan

As you may have noticed in the header image, amber gris will strike out on a one-man tour titled “fall down the moment” to promote its newest release.

2015 one-man Tourfall down the momenttour dates:

24 (Sat) Okayama IMAGE doors open 17:30 / curtain 18: 00 Advance 3,800yen / day 4,300yen
26 (Mon) Hakata DRUM SON doors open 18: 30/ curtain  19: 00 Advance  3,800yen / day 4,300yen
28 (Wed) Osaka RUIDO doors open 18: 30 / curtain  19: 00 Advance 3,800yen / day 4,300yen
9 (Thu) Nagoya Ell.FITS All doors open 18: 30/ curtain 19: 00 Advance 3,800yen / day 4,300yen

February TOUR FINAL 8 (Sun) Shinjuku BLAZE doors open 18: 00 / curtain 18: 30 Advance 3,800yen / day 4,300yen

Purchase tickets:

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